Sunday, November 20, 2022

Markets Level Off Or Decline In Final Months of 2022


Slate has an article discussing residential real estate values leveling off and some markets starting to decline in the U.S.   They interview Arpit Gupta, a finance professor at New York University and look at regional trends. 

Retirees Reconsidering Their Next Move


The New York Times has an interesting article about changes in the buying patterns of retirees. Realtors report that retirees are now looking in markets less likely to experience extreme weather events, such as wildfires, drought, and flood. The risk aversion makes sense in light of higher insurance premiums.   

Retirees Reconsider Housing Decisions In Light of Increased Storms and Flooding Events

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

U.S. After Tax Income Calculator From Forbes

Curious about what your after-tax income by state will be in 2022?   Forbes has an app for this that will allow you to compare tax rates by state.  



Friday, November 4, 2022

Airbnb Investment Boom Leads To Increased Vacancies


Time magazine reports on the most recent trends for short-term rental income properties.  Investors have been very active in this sector which has driven up inventory and reduced occupancy in some market areas.  Average daily rates have not gone down but have remained level.